the sun didn't come out for 5 days in a row last week. i'm pretty obsessed with the sun because i grew up in one of the cloudiest cities on earth and only escaped it to move to SF where i became accustomed to colors and shapes and their motivating qualities. i don't know if the gloom influenced the following dream, but i thought i would share it with you:
i'm on a metal gurney in a cafeteria being prepped for surgery. i ask my surgeon what they're going to do and she says, "we're going to operate on your brain". well, what part of my head are you going to cut into?” i ask. "oh, we'll go from the top of the head all along the side of your face and through your jaw." will it affect my speech?" i ask. i get the feeling it's really putting her out to be asked any questions at all, but as it is my brain, i press ahead. well, we just don't know." she says. she goes away and has a snack which involves tea. i can hear the clinking of cafeteria dishes. "let's do a test." she says when she returns. i see her coming at my head with the scalpel. won't i need anesthesia for this i ask?" "oh, no, the brain has no nerves in it." i don't seem to have the power to stop her as she carves a perfect puzzle piece shape out of the top left side of my head. she shows me the puzzle piece. as time passes i can tell that my brain is swelling a bit and poking through the puzzle piece hole in my head. she gives me the puzzle piece of my skull back so that i can hold it over my brain. i start screaming - "hey, something’s wrong here!
my brain seems to be coming out! should i be holding my own brain in like this?" and then i wake up as i'm yelling.
believe it or not i don't think i was too disturbed by the dream, i just had a lingering feeling of injustice when i awoke.
any interpretations are welcome!
rest assured, the sun did come out yesterday, and it was even warm enough to have a restorative post-op picnic in the park!
x x p